Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bunny takes over the World

Welcome to Bunny takes over the World!! I am your author host, Bunny_Pop. For quite some time, I have been encourage to blog about my life. Let's start...here I will set the stage....

I follow a plant strong diet...in simple terms, yes...I am a vegan. Three years ago, I was obese. My BMI was almost 40%! Yikes!!! I was knocking on the door for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other possible diet related health issues such as cancer. I was leaving LAX from a great Memorial Day vacation with my husband and I could barely buckle the seat belt on the airplane. It was embarrassing. Prior to this trip, my primary care and I had a talk about if I wanted to have children one day, I was doom for a high risk pregnancy.

After I got back from this trip, I started dieting, but it was still like a yo-yo. I lost 30lbs by September 2011, but started putting the weight back on. April 2012, my husband (who I will refer to as Monster) and I watched Forks Over Knives. We didn't know what this was about, but we wanted to educate ourselves. After we watched that documentary, we took the 30 day challenge to be plant strong. In those first 30 days, I lost 10-15lbs and Monster lost 20-25lbs.

Fast Forward 2 years later, here we are still plant strong. I have lost almost 90lbs! I have gone from a size 22/24 pants to wearing 12/14 pants depending the cut. Monster has lost over 130lbs!!! We both regularly workout 5-6 times a week doing cardio, strength training, and yoga. Our Saturday workout treat is Orange theory. Now folks, this is another tangent that I will save for another day. I am still not done with my weight loss and have 19lbs to go until I hit my desire weight. One thing you will never hear from me is shamming. I will not put anyone down. I am Social Worker by day, and am an empathetical person. Yay for Social Work!!

With my plant strong life style, I can tell you food never gets boring for me. I am always looking for new recipes and ideas for cooking. Some of my favorites types of food to eat are Indian, Thai, and Mexican. One of my favorite things to get since I live in South Florida, is Jamaican Patties! Love my Soya andVeggie Patties from the Golden Krust! Plus there are great vegan food vendors at farmer's Markets, such as Via Vegan, who make some of the best veggie Roti I have had! Oh man, now I'm craving that...

So Folks, stay tune to this blog. At times, it will be more food base but I will throw in others delights from time to time. Hey, football season is right around the corner and I will be cheering on my teams. Yes I said teams; I am a Dolphins, Lions, and Chiefs fan. I will explain later how I can be a fan of all three. Plus, don't forget college football. Go Gators and Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

~With love Bunny_Pop~

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