Wednesday, August 20, 2014

For the love of Football

If there is one thing I look forward to in the fall season is football. I was brought up by my parents to love all things that is holy for the love of the Super Bowl and the Heisman Trophy. Lets start off with College Football and end with yummy food. 

I love college football for rivalry. Growing up in Florida, I was raised to be a Gator girl. I also neglected to mention previously, I love UM-GO Blue because my family in Michigan. I looked forward to every November when it would be UF vs. FSU. I can recall the glory days in the early 2000s when we had Rex Grossman for QB and Todd Johnson on defense. Those were glorious days for UF. Now in 2010, Monster and I relocated from sunny Florida to the Midwest, Kansas City to be exact, for his job.  There living in a boarder city to boarder states did I get to really experience college sports rivalry. KU vs. Mizzou....Oh the rivalry; the Boarder Wars game was one of the oldest rival games that ran from 1891 until 2011. I recall shopping in Hy-Vee and seeing the isles filled with so many thing geared to either University of Kansas or University of Missouri. I worked in one of the malls there in Kansas City when we first moved there and every Saturday I worked, hundreds of people wore their college shirts proudly. KU, Mizzou, Huskers, Hogs, Sooners, the Hawkeyes, and more. It is this pride and sense of loyalty I love about college football. So why the Jayhawks? Simply, my co-worker at the mall job goes to KU and after taking a tour of the campus, I fell in love with the school. Lawerence, KS is an awesome town and I wish my college town was that cool...but it wasn't. 

Pro football is pride for your city if you have a team there or the closest one to you. So let's knock out the obvious reason why I will root for the Kansas City Chiefs....because I lived there for a few years. Now I am sure you can guess why I also cheer on the Lions, because of my family ties to Detroit. It is religion in my house to always watch on Thanksgiving the Lions play...even if they lose the game, you must watch it. With the track record they have, I am a sad fan at times. I was not always a Miami Dolphins fan. You can thank my Monster for that. Growing up, for me, my family would cheer the Bucs on if they were winning. After Tony Dungy left, I stopped watching them as close. After Monster and I were married, I became a Dolphins fans for good reasons. Sunday football is like breathing and religion for my soul. I look forward to sitting in front of the T.V and watching my games. My goal this year is to teach my nephew who is 14 months to say, "Go Dolphins", by the end of the season. We'll see how that goes. 

But what makes football and football season better than beer...FOOD!!! Food is so pivotal. We as a nation center so many things around food. Who says you cannot have a sporting game and have healthy and tasty vegan and plant strong food? On Sundays, I'm always in the kitchen trying to make new recipes to enjoy. I'm lucky that my Monster and my brother-in-law are always up to try my latest creations. Some of my favorite things to eat are dips. I love hummus! We always have it in our house. Last year, I made several dips that went over well. Black bean hummus, edamame hummus, and vegan spinach artichoke dip. Below are links different recipes you might want to give a try. I found my edamame hummus recipe last year on Buzzfeed. Also, please don't hesitate to modify these recipes to your taste. I'm not a fan of Dayia cheese or other imitation fake cheese and will normally omit them from all recipes. If you are short on time and don't want to cook, don't forget the classic chips and salsa, hummus and pretzels, and guacamole...or sub sandwich run. 

~With love, Bunny_Pops~

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