Friday, August 29, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

I have always love this weekend, even as a child. To me, it is the last weekend of Summer. Fall is just around the corner on September 23rd. Fall is my favorite season, which I mention before. Labor Day weekend to me, is a big deal in the Midwest. It the end of summer nights and weekends at the Lake. It is the brace yourself for cold temperatures and snow in two months. It's that last weekend to sun bathe before they shut down all pools. It is also if you are in Kansas City, the first weekend to get Boulevard's Bob's 47-their Oktoberfest beer, which is amazing. I have such great memories sitting with my friends at the Foundry. This place is freaking amazing. Also has great vegetarian and vegan options. Just saying, their Vegan BLT is pretty amazing.  Down in Florida, to me, it more like OMG thank's Football season!

Labor Day weekend is also a weekend that I would watch the Jerry Lewis Telethon. This year they are teaming up with ABC and it should be amazing. This is something that I hold near and dear because I know of someone was affected and help by this telethon.

Labor Day weekend in my family is my Sister-in-laws birthday, usually, since her birthday usually falls in that time. It is also my late Grandfather's as well.

So as you can, see Labor Day weekend means many things to me. What am I doing this weekend. Well, there is one thing for such I will be doing this weekend, and it is relaxing. With that being said, I leave you with my favorite clip from the movie Frozen. I just love Olaf!!!

Be Safe and have a great weekend folks. I will be back soon with something food relate from my holiday weekend.

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