Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Vegan Veggie Ramen

I loved ramen growing up. Actually, at one point in my life, I would have instant ramen for breakfast. Yup, no joke either. It was a phase!

A few weeks back, the Monster and I went to Yakko-Sans for dinner with our friends and had an awesome Veggie Udon dish. Any who, let's fast forward, I was shopping at one of the Asian Markets by our home a few weeks ago and saw ramen noddles. I had already picked up udon noddles to make that for dinner, but I found ramen noodles-yes the noodles by themselves to cook. Well, needless to say, last week one night, I wanted a quick and easy meal and I whipped it together. When I made this, I didn't have radishs or tofu, but, I were to make it again I would add them to it.  Dinner was a hit to say the least and a request to have again! I present to you my recipe. Feel free to modify to your taste or preference.

Vegan Veggie Ramen

  • 2 packets of the ramen noodles
  • 1 box of Swanson's Thai Ginger Broth, or Vegetable Broth
  • 1 container of mushrooms, either baby Bella or if you live by a Publix grab their gourmet mushroom blend. 
  • Dash of ground ginger
  • Limes
  • Lemongrass stalk 
  • Cilantro
  • Green Onions, diced
  • 2 Carrots, diced
  • Radishs, diced
  • Tofu, pressed and diced into cubes.
  • Sriracha or your choice of chili hot sauce (optional)
  • Soy Sauce, Liquid Aminos , or Ponzu (optional)
First, get your pot screaming hot and once it's hot, add your mushrooms and season with the ginger. If they begin to stick add a small amount of the broth. After they begin to reduce and cook, add the box of the broth first, then add diced carrots, lemongrass stalk, tofu, and the noodles. Follow the directions on the package of the noodles but bring this all to a boil. Cook for 5-10 mintues, until noodles are soft. Once done, serve the ramen into bowls. Garnish with cilantro, green onions, lime, and radishs. Tops off with your favorite hot sauce and/or soy sauce.  ~Enjoy and happy eating~

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